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Adrian Swinscoe

Adrian Swinscoe
Adrian Swinscoe brings over 25 years experience to focusing on helping companies large and small develop and implement customer focused, sustainable growth strategies.

What icebergs can teach us about real and lasting change in business

In a recent post Build authority and trust with your customers by talking about your industry 'Warts and all', I talked about how being...

We need leadership at all levels to grow and create momentum

Management is doing things right; Leadership is doing the right things. This quote is from Peter Drucker, a legendary business thinker and is one of...

Build authority and trust with your customers by talking about your industry ‘Warts and all’

Have you ever heard the phrase 'Warts and all'? What it means is: 'Tell me everything and don't leave out the less appealing bits'. The…

The scrunched up nose danger of the upsell or cross-sell

I am reading Andy Sernovitz's Word of Mouth Marketing at the moment. It's a really interesting book full of ideas that you can dip...

It’s not the size of your LinkedIn network that counts it’s what you do with it that matters

Social networks, like Linked In, are becoming a great way of building networks and can be our 'window' into who we are as business...

Is the heart of leadership in the details?

About a week ago I got involved in a discussion in the comments of a Scott Gould post about leadership. NOTE: If you haven't checked...

Deliver a customer experience that matches your customers journey

When I was a child, if we wanted to buy something new then we would: Go shopping down the local high street and ask the...

What is Good Growth? #sme

Today, I want to ask for your help and your opinion. The reason is that I have been invited to participate in a private roundtable...

Is your marketing sending out mixed messages to your customers?

Today’s post features something that arrived through my letter box the other day that I want to use to illustrate a point. The image below...

Simple steps for building a customer service led culture from one of the world’s best

I came across this video from Dennis Snow at his blog the other day and I thought I’d share it with you as I...

#1 of 10 ways to build a culture of innovation and creativity

Earlier this year I wrote a post called Here Are 10 Things You Can Do to Foster a Culture of Innovation and Creativity… Now...

8 steps to building better relationships with your customers

In a recent post, Small business can and will win the race to focus on the customer I talked about a recent survey from...

Who says people won’t pay more for a better customer experience?

In a recent article on mycustomer.com, Right Now CEO Greg Gianforte quotes an interesting new poll from Harris Interactive, where: According to the research, some...

Referral incentive programmes or gifts or both?

Referrals are every entrepreneurs dream way of growing their business and you can get a steady stream of referrals if you have the right...

Mistruths are no way to build trust with your customers

Over the course of the last couple of weeks I have seen a Bridgestone advert floating around the TV advertisement space saying that choosing...

Building a blogging comment community

This post is a little left field today but it is something that I’d like your help with. Let me start with a question first...

Customer relationships and the primacy and recency effect

There is a concept in psychology called the serial position effect (also called the primacy and recency effect) that was first coined by Hermann...

It starts before you hire them

I was walking along the street the other day and I spotted this advert. It made me do a double take for a number...

How you think about complaints will determine how you deal with them

How we think and feel about things can go a long way to explaining how we behave. For example, if you don’t like sales...

Growing or developing your business is like going to the gym

Growing  or developing your business takes thought, planning, effort and maybe a bit of pain, both emotional and physical. It’s a bit like being...

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