How many of you still get solicitation phone calls at dinner time? Or odd offers via US mail? It seems like our personal data is being bought and sold to substantially more companies for “marketing” purposes.
I use the term “marketing” very loosely because what they are doing is not marketing. I get stacks of home décor catalogs that I’ve never requested from stores I’ve never heard of, and I can only assume that they haven’t heard about my less-than-Martha-Stewart attitude about home furnishings. When I stop to think how much time is wasted on broad marketing versus relationship marketing, it leads to one conclusion — missed customer acquisition opportunities. Getting the right message to the right person will acquire more customers in the short term and enhance customer loyalty in the long run.
Imagine if you were actually contacted with useful information that changed your buying behavior? Or proactive customer service from companies whose product you were actually using?
“Uh, thanks for the offer to re-evaluate my car insurance needs. I live in New York City and haven’t owned a car in over four years!”
“I don’t know why you keep sending me emails and offers for a new cell phone when if you checked your records you could clearly see my contract with you isn’t up for two years. “
“I don’t know how you got my personal cell phone number but no, I’m not interested in taking a cruise because I’m only 14 and still live with my parents. STOP calling me.”
“Well that experience was like the one by the people who call to lower the interest rates on my credit card. Meaning, you don’t know me or you wouldn’t have asked if I needed that add on service. Who opens their door to find religion standing on their porch, after just realizing they need it?”