Unlocking The Value of Cloud Technology In Education Sector


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Global events like the Covid-19 pandemic have initiated a shift in attitudes and changed how more industries leverage cloud-based technologies. The education sector is one of the many industries reaping benefits from this change. The market for cloud computing in education is estimated to reach USD 8779.1 million by 2027. With Intermittent lockdowns and travel restrictions, it has become evident that education cannot be centralized to physical locations anymore. Cloud technology adoption in the education industry has been long overdue and is now here to stay. It is highly scalable and offers universal accessibility, data processing & security. Cost-cutting measures and investing in onsite data centers and servers are quickly becoming a thing of the past.

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In education, Cloud technology means storing and accessing student information and course content. It is by leveraging the software for managing lessons, emails, calendars & more online. Cloud technology offers to learn on the go, using everyday devices without being physically present in a specific place. The advantages and benefits of cloud technology include convenience and collaboration. It is engaging, accessible & cost-effective learning through social and content interactions using devices across multiple contexts. The technology is innovative and interactive and creates an engaging environment for learning & the widely accessible internet has made the adoption of this medium for learning very easy.

  • As per EdWeek, 81% of US educators feel that their ability to use EdTech improved during school closure during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • A study shows that 70% of people enrolled in eLearning courses were motivated to complete them on mobile devices.

Unlocking Value of Cloud Technology in Education Sector

Among the many advantages of cloud services, some of the noteworthy benefits that empower this industry are –

  • Eliminate / Reduce dependency on physical infrastructure – One of the most significant benefits that cloud computing platforms offer to students is staying independent of the physical infrastructure. Well-framed learning sessions compensate for textbooks, libraries & direct physical learning and provide universal accessibility that enables students to access virtual portals and libraries. Students can attend online classes anytime, anywhere, using any device.
  • Collaboration in real-time is essential & a significant part of education and cloud technology helps make collaboration easy. It leverages real-time support with API and app integration for remote learning and collaboration. It helps create avenues for cross-cultural cooperation and dramatically increases the exchange of ideas by tapping this technology’s potential.
  • Profitability – Cloud-based education technology, or EdTech, can easily integrate data and gain insights into student preferences to deploy customized eLearning solutions and study samples. These solutions ensure a higher return on investment, increasing revenue streams and broader profit margins. Cloud technologies also offer better asset utilization and flexible models of operation. Such options help make the existing revenue pools more profitable and target opportunities that may not have been economically viable using traditional technologies. Cloud technologies offer significant operational cost optimization.
  • Enhanced data security – Security is vital for any online industry, and the education sector is no exception. Cloud technology offers a broad range of policies, technologies & controls that strengthen the overall data security and infrastructure from potential threats. Cloud providers provide and follow strict compliance controls and have multiple layers of protection against data breaches, hacking, and other attacks.
  • Reaching a global audience – As cloud technology in education gains more popularity, it has been able to introduce and provide educational material to a worldwide audience previously limited geographically. Students can participate in long-distance learning programs without leaving their residences. At the same time, universities can provide more diverse course material via a global faculty.
  • Updates – It is essential to update the learning material consistently and regularly. Traditionally, the students had to invest in different physical books as per the curriculum and learn from multiple sources, making it difficult to keep track of. With cloud-based platforms, course material, reference material, and more can be updated and accessed online with minimal effort.
  • Scalability – Cloud technology eases infrastructure scaling capabilities and delivers IT resources as per need, including computing power, storage, and bandwidth. eLearning companies can benefit from this and increase or reduce cloud infrastructure per their needs.
  • Reliability – Digital technology comes with its glitches and issues. Cloud technology data centers offer backup and disaster recovery facilities, and the data is mirrored at multiple sites, making it a more reliable option than an onsite data center.

In conclusion, low cost, quick setup & the ability to reach people worldwide are some of the reasons attributed to the rising popularity of cloud computing in education. Transitioning can be daunting, but connecting with a cloud based app development company can help incorporate cloud-based technologies.

Mrunal Chokshi
Mrunal has been actively involved in Internet marketing for more than 10 years. His knowledge and experience motivates him regularly in contributing through writing on technology topics.


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