Twice in one week, different executives used the word “scrappy” to describe their marketing approach to me.
Bring it on! Here’s one simple formula:
Create really, really compelling content. Run fewer campaigns and only those that really have juice. If you sit on data, exploit it. If you don’t, find a way to create it. It works for the media and for lead-gen.
Button down your lead-gen process. On the front end ask the qualifier: How will it generate or nurture leads? On the back end: Who’s going to follow-up, and how will they advance the conversation?
Invest in search. Get an independent audit of your SEO and PPC effort. Chances are good you’re missing opportunities to get found.
Tell your story visually. Prospects give you way less time to make your pitch. Think graphics. Video. Multimedia. GUIs. Dashboards.
Watch the quality. Low-res, guerilla tactics work for some marketing investments. Don’t short-change your website.