All these blogs have been popping up recently over location-based social media services, and “what’s in it for me?” and “what’s the point?” kinda questions have ensued. Privacy issues, egotism, whatever…stuff like that.
Really? Who cares?
You know, despite some of the creepers who have recently asked to befriend me on Foursquare (my weapon of choice), I participate in this game for multiple reasons.
1. I love my community, and by checking into my favorite places, you a) get to see who and what I love and b) get a sense of who I am…in a weird way.
2. It’s fun. I love the badges. I love the little mini wars I have with my friends, and the friendly smack talk that goes along with it on Twitter and Foursquare shout outs.
Last year, I even wrote a blog post about how cool location-based applications are for touring bands and artists. Check it out. But anyway…back to the skeptics.
There are people out there who would argue that it’s a little weird to broadcast where they are. Sure, I get why it’d be “questiony” for certain places. I don’t check into my bank or my daughter’s school. I don’t typically check into my client’s spots either…for confidentiality purposes. (Oh, and if I ever check into Walmart, just smack me.) But those are my preferences.
Social Media Today just wrote a post about location-based social, and the writer, Mark Evens wasn’t too keen on it. And according to his article, he kinda argues that it’s not so hip. “Pew Internet and American Life Project survey discovered only 4% of Americans use location services like Foursquare and Gowalla, compared with 5% last May. Even among smartphone-toting 18 to 29-year-olds, only 8% use location-based services.”
So, not everyone’s into it. Does it have to be super popular in order for it to be legit? Yeah, I don’t think so. I love some of the local restaurants in Indy that are involved. I love getting little discounts for going to certain places. But that’s Miss super social me. It’s definitely not for everyone.
Will organizations make tons of revenue from it? I have no idea. Personally, I think it’s good for organizations to have people check in. It’s totally getting your name out…top of mind. I’ve seen check-ins from friends and been like, “I’m totally going there today,” and maybe had not even considered it prior to a random pop up on my phone. What’s annoying is that when it comes to social and location-based social, its one big ROI argument after another…if you like it, do it. If you don’t, then don’t. Is it a fad? Who knows? I love it though, and I think I’m pretty cool. So, game still on for Manfredi. You just can’t put a price on visibility.