Business owners tell us one of their biggest questions about implementing any new software is how they are going to get their staff to actually use it. After all, people are comfortable with the old way, and they’re bound to have a learning curve with the new way, even when training is provided. Tell anyone a new system is in the works, and their first thought is resistance: “It better be easy to use, or I won’t.” Obtaining user adoption is a key requirement to obtain business success with CRM.
Two people in your organization hold the keys to the success of adopting a new CRM system. You know the first one really well – it’s you!
Executive management must, absolutely must, believe in a new system. Learn to use it first. Use it in meetings, and use it consistently. Point out why it’s valuable and what problems it will solve for your organization. If you’re not involved directly, others will find it hard to take the change seriously and invest their time and energy in it. You must lead by example.
Speaking of time and energy, don’t underestimate how much time it will take to adopt your new system. Julie and I give good support, and Sage has its own user forums to answer questions, but even so the transition is not overnight. If you lose interest or present unrealistic expectations to your team, your success in getting buy-in will suffer.
As a leader, it’s also your job to find the second key person to this transition within your organization, someone we call the Champion of Change. This will most likely be a manager who realizes the benefits of CRM software and can make it happen for his or her department. Nothing jump-starts a CRM implementation more than a manager who comes at it with that can-do attitude. Success is contagious, and this person will be the first to demonstrate it.
So here’s your take-away: First make sure you’re ready to take the leadership in the implementation of a new CRM system. Then carefully choose your Champion of Change.
For more on 18 requirements for success with CRM, visit here.