My real estate partner, Erika Atkins and I work very hard on our customer service skills. We know how important it is to be able to listen to what our customers want, how to understand what they need, and then how to help our clients and customers achieve their real estate goals. Some of our expertise has been gained through education, knowledge of our product, and having the ability to gauge the ever-changing real estate market so we are always on top of our game. There are, however other skills we have developed which have also helped us to make significant strides towards our success.
Let us begin with smiling. No matter how bad your mood is when you wake up, going to work is where the bad mood has to stop. People want to associate with happy people, and just through body language, one’s mood is identified by a customer. How many times have any of us called an organization and the person who answers the phone – that first contact – impressed you with a true lilt in her voice; a genuine expression of happiness even though you had no idea who she may have been? Bringing happiness to one’s business is a learned behavior, and one that pleases customers.
Another customer service skill, not always so well publicized or discussed is our ability to work well with our coworkers. In a real estate office, where everyone essentially competes against everyone else, there is still the need to be able to help each other. Maybe there comes a time when you need extra help on the computer for a new program; maybe there is a time you need your floor-time covered, or maybe there is a time you want to work hand in hand with your coworkers for a humanitarian project. In my office, we often work together for the benefit of the Quantum House – a home that lessens the burden for families whose children are receiving treatment in Palm Beach County for serious medical conditions. It’s another “feel good” activity where one actually joins in the camaraderie of their coworkers – getting to know other people better, and making a difference to someone in need.
And finally there is the positive outlook that each and every one of us need to pursue in order to promote what we do and love outside of the office venue. It is the way we share our knowledge, whether it means giving someone a name of a reputable moving company, a phone number for a reliable babysitter, or spending a Saturday morning cleaning debris off one of our neighborhood beaches. It is the positive approach we have toward life that makes each one of us individuals who really want to do something good for others without having always to be compensated.
photo credit: The Miami Story
I just recently got my license in AZ and I couldn’t agree more with your post. When I am on the phone I constantly ask myself if I am smiling and in person it is a must. This simple rule has really helped me increase my sales. Thanks for the helpful tips. I love your blog.