There have been millions upon millions spent around the globe on employee engagement efforts and initiatives.
As most HR and OD professionals know, the global statistics around employee engagement are still quite poor.
With all the time, effort and energy expended, it seems to me organizations are missing one of the key ingredients.
In my experience, the missing ingredient in many organizations around the world is enablement.
Enablement means putting their employees in the position where they have the skills to excel today and the development to advance tomorrow.
It has been my experience that when you deliver skills that increase the competency of your work force, they always become more energized and engaged!
How do you ensure you deliver this important missing ingredient?
If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.
To create an organizational culture that can sustain and enhance employee engagement, the organization and the HR and OD professionals need to spend 10 times the amount of time, energy and resources following up and reinforcing learning and engagement principles as they do designing and delivering them.
Unfortunately, as I travel the world, I see most organizations spending 10 times the amount of time, energy and resources designing and delivering the learning and engagement principles and almost zero time following up and reinforcing them.
Remember, good intentions not delivered equals squat.
The only way to deliver the missing ingredient to your employee engagement strategy is to create enablement through learning, follow up and reinforcement.
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