I have mixed relationship with corporate technology given my first hand experience of it. It is true that technology is essential and it brings many benefits. It is also true that most corporate technology is complex and expensive to set-up and operate. Last, and perhaps most important is that it does not show up as being usable nor useful to the people on the front lines that have to use the technology. Put differently, from the user perspective the disadvantages outweigh the benefits. A great example of such a technology is enterprise CRM systems. Can Vizolution prove me wrong?
I met up with Marcio Rodrigues, Customer Propositions Director, at Vizolution to learn about this technology. Here is what I learned:
- Vizolution technology is being used by three of the top five UK banks and two of the top 5 insurance companies;
- According to customer surveys, customers (95% of them) like the experience that is generated through Vizolution;
- By using this technology financial services companies have increased sales conversions anywhere from 14% (mortgage conversion) to 93% (life insurance and critical illness); and
- The folks in compliance love Vizolution as it sends/receives files using 128 bit encryption, allows complex issues to be explained properly, and enables a consistent sales process.
Ok, the banks and insurance companies like it because it improves sales conversion and improves compliance. What I was interested in was the customer. Why do customers like it? What does Vizolution bring to the customer experience? This is what I learned:
- By being able to see what the sales agent is talking about customers feel more engaged in the process;
- The on screen visuals make it easier for the customer to understand the financial product being discussed; and
- The process of signing-up for a financial product is so much easier and quicker – there is no waiting for the paperwork to arrive by post, reviewing and signing it, waiting for approval.
By now you might be wondering what is Vizolution and what does it do. As I understand it, Vizolution:
- Is patent pending software that allows businesses to engage their customers in sales conversations through an instant, easy, screen sharing session via the internet;
- Is simple and quick – with just one click the sales agent can initiate a Vizolution session and it is just as easy for the customer; and
- bypasses the typical issues in installing screen sharing software locally and navigating around-through corporate firewalls.
My last question to Marcio was on costs: purchasing, installation, and use. What I can tell you is that the pricing showed up for me as being modest even cheap given the difference that this technology has made to sales conversion rates. At this point I could not help being a ‘strategic consultant’ and so I advised Marcio and his team to rethink the pricing!
If you want to learn more about Vizolution then I suggest that you contact Marcio. His email address is [email protected]
If you have used this software solution either as a manager, a sales agent or a customer then I’d love to hear from you. Please leave a comment.
Please note that I am taking a holiday over August and as such I do not expect to be writing any posts until September. I thank you for reading and hope you make August a great month for yourself and all the people you ‘touch’.
Disclosure: I am happy to write about Vizolution as it occurs to me that this is a simple useful technology. I am not being paid, in any way, for writing this post. Please note that I am not promoting Vizolution and with every technology I encourage you to do your research before you buy.