In this video blog, SeeWhy Founder Charles Nicholls reviews the CPO Milwaukee power tools ecommerce website, from a remarketing standpoint.
There’s no substitute for testing when it comes to optimizing shopping carts. But once you’ve have tested and tuned, and your conversion rate has improved, what do you do when your shopping cart abandonment is still frustratingly high?
If this is where you’ve got to then it’s time you looked beyond the shopping cart conversion rate, and looked at remarketing. Remarketing takes those visitors that leave the site without buying, and markets to them again using either advertising, email or social media. These are your best prospects – visitors that almost purchased – so it’s no surprise that a sequence of nudges brings customers back in to buy.
The most cost effective way to recover abandoned shopping carts is by using email remarketing. The cost of recovering an abandoned shopping cart by email is 100 times less than by advertising. Of course retargeted advertising has an important role higher up the funnel, where you haven’t captured an email address, and would like to bring them back to the site.
One of the subjects that comes up early in a discussion about email remarketing is how and where to capture email addresses. So in this walkthrough, we suggest simple shopping cart design and email capture tips to maximize both onsite conversions and your recovery rates.
This walk through essentially covers three core subjects:
- Conversion enhancements to the site
- Email address capture; opportunities to capture more email addresses without impacting conversion rates
- What type of remarketing email creative can be built for the site using this kind of information.
Hopefully you’ll find the tips and approach useful. Let me know what you think using the comments below.