Three tips to boost tech teams’ business brains


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In today’s business landscape, failing to take advantage of technology’s power can quickly leave businesses in the dust. It’s safe to say technology and business success are inextricably entwined, but does that mean everyone in the organization is clued into the overarching plan for the business? Unfortunately, the answer to that question is most often “no.”

Technical experts, while brilliant in their fields, may not always possess a deep understanding of business strategy and how their work contributes to the company’s overall success. This misalignment often leads to inefficiencies, missed opportunities and a disconnect between the technical and business sides of the organization. Despite these challenges, organizational leaders have the opportunity to empower their technical experts through a renewed focus on continued learning, transparency initiatives, comprehensive training programs and mentorship options.

Building business acumen in-house

A workforce of high performers is critical for businesses not just to survive, but thrive, and employee engagement levels have been directly linked to performance. An engaged employee is likely to produce better results, and one way to engage employees is to keep them in the loop of business goals and strategic plans. In fact, 70% of employees said two of the most impactful engagement drivers were ongoing communication from senior leadership about strategy and an individual-level understanding of how each person’s job contributes to the overall strategy.

To help business leaders get on track to engaging their teams, I’ve outlined three tips for organizations to build a stronger marriage between business and technology.

1. Prioritize transparency.

Transparency is a cornerstone of organizational success. Embracing transparency fosters a culture of trust, open communication and informed decision-making, ultimately leading to a more engaged and productive workforce. When employees feel informed about company decisions, strategies and challenges, they develop a deeper sense of ownership and connection to the organization’s goals. Transparent communication means employees are more likely to perceive their leaders as honest and approachable. As a result, work environments are more collaborative and supportive.

Transparency also empowers employees to contribute more meaningfully to the organization’s growth. With expanded access to information, they can proactively identify opportunities for improvement, offer innovative solutions and make informed decisions in their roles. Employees who feel valued and respected for their contributions have higher morale and are more likely to be engaged with their work.

Additionally, transparency supports a culture of accountability because employees understand the consequences of their actions and decisions. This accountability promotes ethical behavior and aligns individual actions with the company’s overall objectives. Since employees understand how their contributions impact the organization’s success, they’re more likely to take ownership of their work.

2. Implement mentorship programs.

Mentorship programs pair an experienced mentor with a less-experienced mentee to create a supportive environment where participants can share knowledge, exchange ideas and grow professionally. A formal program will help structure the mentor/mentee relationship and is especially helpful for employees who may want a mentor but have yet to organically find someone in their organization who can provide advice and encouragement.

Mentor/mentee relationships help promote meaningful connections between employees. Mentees gain access to the wisdom and insights of seasoned professionals, while mentors experience the satisfaction of guiding and nurturing the next generation of leaders.

Mentorship programs also drive effective communication, breaking down silos and championing a culture of collaboration. Mentors and mentees engage in regular discussions to address challenges and brainstorm solutions. Mentors offer their expertise and guidance on industry trends, strategic decision-making and effective leadership practices. Mentees have the opportunity to voice fresh ideas while developing the skills and knowledge necessary for career advancement. An open exchange of information enhances teamwork, improves problem-solving and promotes a shared understanding of business goals.

3. Lean on learning and development.

In an organization that values transparency, leaders may want to talk to employees from a business perspective. However, highly technical, specialized workers without a business degree may not have the necessary knowledge to meaningfully engage with these conversations. To help mitigate that problem, organizations can establish a business acumen training program. Through a program like this, employees can gain the know-how necessary to understand the business operations side of the house. A clearer understanding of the connection between the technological and business aspects means more engaged employees who feel like their work has a purpose.

Investing in learning and development programs that enhance business acumen is more than just a training initiative. It is a strategic investment in the future of the organization. By nurturing a workforce that understands the intricacies of both business and technology, organizations are empowered to innovate to drive growth and navigate the ever-changing business landscape with confidence.

Through the cultivation of a culture of continuous learning, organizations can ensure everyone has a holistic view and understanding of how business strategies interplay with individual jobs and projects. By providing employees with ample opportunities to expand their business acumen, organizations empower them to bridge the gap between their technical expertise and the broader business context. This synergy enables employees to contribute meaningfully to organizational goals and drive innovation that fuels sustainable organizational growth.

Laure Fisher
Laure Fisher is co-founder and COO of CallTrackingMetrics, a leading call management platform serving over 30,000 businesses around the world. An experienced business leader in technology, marketing and consulting with a strong track record of driving revenue growth and skills in project, process and personnel management, Laure has worked closely with customers across a variety of industries helping them to translate conversations into impact and drive conversions. Prior to CallTrackingMetrics, Laure was a founding partner and VP, Marketing and Client Services for Captico LLC, providing online


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