Big Data (Photo credit: Kevin Krejci)
Harvard Business Review recent focus has been on Big Data. This appears to be the year of Big Data. The burgeoning mountains of data gathered from inbound web activities on the part of consumers and business buyers are the main drivers.
What I see as the emerging struggle with Big Data is the ability to humanize the data. The aim is to reveal insights about consumer and buyer behaviors. Big Insights as I call it can come from the use of Big Data as a guide to further qualitative understanding. Big Data can tell us where deeper layers of insights may be residing.
C-Strategists will need to consider this: the story does not end with Big Data. The story begins with Big Data. It can provide the roadmap to where hidden values of insights are residing. Insights that go beyond mere behavior trends are what lead to differentiation. These insights will enable the telling of your consumer or buyer’s story. Without Big Insights – there is a story with no plot.
Big Insight is out there. It takes human interaction to find it. Not numbers alone.