I was reading a post by @StoweBoyd a moment ago – Moving beyond the current understanding of social: From steady-state to postnormal.
He writes towards the end:
We have not reached a steady state given these forces on the world of work, and we shouldn’t expect to in any near future that could be extrapolated.
So, when thinking about the role and application of social tools in today business context, we should drop the premise of getting the business to a steady state. Instead, we have to develop tools and techniques that will help the company deal with turbulence, to help teams grapple with uncertainty, and help each user recover from adversity and conflict. These tools will be judged by the degree to which they confer a greater degree of resilience on their users and the businesses that have adopted them…
This post got me thinking, particularly around the idea of ‘resilience’.
Change is the norm. Change is a natural part of progress. Change is inevitable. It unsettles. Disruption is the moment at which we move from one change to another. We are in a period of disruption. Design for change
My noise is your relevance. Just because I can always be ‘on’ doesn’t mean I have any more to say
Be inclusive
Help those who don’t yet possess your literacies
Do you understand the notion of ‘right-time’ or are you driven by the paranoia of real-time?
Social is not one-sided. I can define my own terms and conditions of use. I can delete my account
It is not until I understand the relevance of social to me that I can truly understand social. Until then I will continue to ride on my camel. When I get off my camel, everything will seem a little bit easier
Don’t forget to look back. We often forget how far we have progressed. How far we have come. What seemed impossible yesterday, makes us laugh to ourselves today
Don’t try to hide, don’t try to obfuscate… you will be found out. I know more about you than you might think. I know less about you, than you might believe
Don’t delude yourself. Not every Tweet will be ReTweeted, not every picture will be Favorited, not every YouTube video will go viral. Just be amazed that you can
We all possess a piece of the jigsaw. We just need to understand how and where to place it
I create Tweets, videos, pictures to share with an unknown you. Together we create experiences, which take on a life of their own. We become connected for a moment and then go our separate way. To create different and new experiences with others
The tomorrow we talk about creating for our children is here today. Design for today driven by the technology of tomorrow
We are all creators, curators, explorers, lurkers, ranters… but there is no formula or blueprint to consult. Be bold, brave and courageous