Greetings. I have to admit that I’m a big fan of the Container Store. It might be because I love the thought of being organized. It’s the practice of being better organized that I have challenges with. But seriously, I love all of the totally cool and slightly boring products that they have assembled in one very organized place. And I love the fact that they take organization and the challenge of “de-cluttering” very seriously. To the point that their employees seem to be downright passionate about helping the world’s most organized and least organized people to solve the problems associated with having too much stuff. So when it came time to rethink our laundry room, I quickly sent our measurements to a Container Store consultant who provided a simple and exciting design for turning this center of dirt and grime into a showplace of Downy soft delight.
And if they can get so excited about de-cluttering your life, why can’t you and your colleagues get more excited about the important work that you do? Because being passionate about your work really makes a difference! In fact, it’s a very powerful differentiator in a sea of generally mediocre service. And, it’s a key ingredient in creating a compelling customer experience. Sure you’ve got to have solid products, services, and solutions. In other words, you’ve got to be the absolute best at what you do. But you also need to love what you do even when it’s as exciting as helping people to get their stuff under control.
So next time you’re in the mood to get your act under control, stop by the nearest Container Store and take a few moments to discover what makes them so special and passionate. Then try to imagine how you might rethink your business based on their insight. And how you might reinvent your customer experience and your mojo.
We win in business and in life when we can barely contain ourselves in providing real value to those we serve. And when we use our passion to make customers understand that their stuff really matters.