An interesting Thoreson theorem; the more you personally impact the lives of others, the more you succeed professionally. One of the points I make during my keynote program is the need for a person to find balance in their lives=both personally and professionally.
When you find an individual that is working on improving others lives, you generally find a person that is also successful from a professional perspective. This does not necessary mean simply financially successful, but successful in manner of a completeness in life. The name of my program: No Regrets: A do-over recipe for success defines a 3 step process to create a better life. One of the three steps in building a Menu for Life is the need to make this a better world by finding ways to increase your personal ability to positively impact the lives of others.
I actually have created an IMPACT Hall of Fame where I collected names and stories of individuals that I have met or read about; like Michelle Nichols, who has started “National Hug Your Child Day”, or Millard Fuller, from Atlanta that started a program called “Habitat for Humanity” and Ken Haught, who started a small program in St. Louis program called Stephen Ministries, that has now impacted the lives of thousands across North America.
These kinds of individuals have had impacts beyond their wildest visions. Yet others do it in smaller ways; one of my neighbors is active in a program called “Hugs for Soldiers”, another donates hours at the animal shelter, and still another has each grandchild propose each year at Christmas one charity that the entire family will focus on during the New Year. The entire family votes on the best proposal-what a way to teach the power of impact.
As 2010 ends and we begin to define our new goals for 2011 I challenge our readers to not only set your goals professionally, but seek out an idea designed to have an impact on the world or even on a single person’s life and then act on it! It will surprise you how you feel and how it will improve your life. For more information:
Let me know what thoughts are for 2011 or if you someone you would like add to my IMPACT Hall of Fame.
Acumen Management Group Ltd. “operationalizes” sales management systems and processes that pull revenue out of the doldrums into the fresh zone. During the past 12 years, our consulting, advisory, and platform services have illuminated, motivated, and rejuvenated the sales efforts for partners throughout North America. Move up and move ahead!