Ever been frustrated in a shop because you can’t find what you want? Has this been exasperated by finding a member of staff who can’t find it either, or even worse doesn’t know anything about what it is they are selling? Well, here’s a great example of a business who is doing something about it!
US Retailer JC Penney have equipped each of their staff with an iPod Touch! This allows them to help their customers anywhere and everywhere in the store.
“We want to make the process of shopping at J.C. Penney as easy and seamless as possible.” Kate Coultas of JC Penney explained.
Our research has identified that a key ingredient in creating remarkable customer experiences is ‘being easy to buy from and deal with’ and here’s a great example of doing that. (It’s an ingredient of 3D Characteristic #3: Create Delighted And Devoted Customers’.)
So yes, they’re improving the customer experience, but it doesn’t end there. They are also using the iPods to…
- Allow staff to view training sessions
- Illustrate the display layouts to maintain quality and consistency
and crucially even….
- Scan purchases and check them out….
The devices have a special plastic case that incorporates a UPC code scanner and a credit card swiping device, so customers never have to go to a cash register counter. Customers can “sign” their purchases using their fingertip on the screen.
Now THAT is being ‘easy to buy from’!
So, how easy are you to buy from and deal with? The answer doesn’t have to be iPods – the key is identifying the blockages in your systems and processes and removing them!
So, to find out ‘how easy you are to buy from and deal with’ try….
- ‘Standing in your own queues’ – see what you’re like to do business with
- Asking your front line staff what stops them delivering great customer experiences
- Asking your customers what they think
Crucially, the key is to then do something about it!