Who are they? They are….
Who are your Diamonds?
Diamonds are your superstars—they’re expensive, dazzling, sparkling, upbeat, high energy, and can be a little flashy at times. They love to show off, be loud, and get the party started.
How do you use your Diamonds?
Diamonds need to be appreciated with thank-you’s, bonus structures, public praise “Wow, everyone, Jeremy just got 1500$ before noon- let’s all give Jeremy a hand!”, and good news when coaching. Diamonds can be a bit moody, fragile, and temperamental, so if you have to give them coaching, use the “poo sandwich” method—praise the good, give the coaching points, end with more praise.
Diamond famous quotes:
“Hey, did you see that last sale I just got? I wam- bam- thank- you- ma’am-ed that customer! Woooo hooo!!”
Who are your Pearls?
Pearls are your quietly glowing mother/ father figures. They have a gentle aura about them (and this applies to plenty of men too!) that seems to just melt customers that can’t even see them! They float serenely around the stations, dropping off kisses, hugs, and “how are you?’s” to all your staff. Everyone loves them.
How do you use your Pearls?
Pearls are great early warning systems for unhappiness and attrition on your staff. Because other types may enjoy or even thrive on chaos and gossip, you may not really see a problem if you ask them—you may not notice until half your staff has left over the romantic fallout between your Manager on Duty and your Team Manager.
Pearls may drive you crazy with their slow pace and need to greet everyone and have (several) coffee and chat breaks a day, but they keep the human side running, and that’s important.
“MVP” or “World’s Best Employee” plaques or mugs might be welcome, personal time with you (the boss) such as a coffee or a “reward dinner” might also work. Personal, thoughtful gifts are best.
Pearl famous quotes:
“Hi, Shelia? How was your husband’s knee surgery? And how’s the new house working out, Fred?”
Who are your Jades?
Jades are cool, calm, collected, brainy types. They don’t get emotional, they just fix the problem. Sometimes they can be “clueless” about “people stuff” but they are key for those Tier III tech support queues you’re running.
How do you use your Jades?
Jades do well as technical trainers because they often naturally command respect due to their technical expertise.
Jades also make up good Team Leads and Subject Matter Experts—they seldom let interpersonal “drama” affect their business decisions the way other types can. Jades like challenging work, respect, and to be recognized for their expertise.
Jade famous quotes:
“Guys, if you would have listened to me about the server last month, we wouldn’t be in this situation now. But good news is, it can be fixed.”
Who are your Marcasites?
Marcasites are your oddball creative types. They biked to work, they have tattoos, they have a side gig in a band. They tend to do pretty well with customers since they think out of the box and are willing to come up with creative solutions.
How do you use your Marcasites?
Marcasites shine in creative endeavours. Find their talent (acting? Let them M.C. your next seminar. Flair for media? Let them try out a company twitter feed) and nurture it.
Ensure that they are focused (they can be a bit scattered) and that you work with them on a long term growth plan (they hate to feel stuck or trapped). Use them to shake up the team and give everyone fresh ideas and fresh perspectives.
Marcasite famous quotes:
“What if we created a robot IVR that sounded like a cat purring? Wouldn’t that be so rad? Customers would love it!”
Who are your Golds?
Golds are your basic, everyday employees who show up, come to work, do a very solid job, and go home to their families. They don’t give you any issues, but neither do they swing from the rafters with 5000$ checks in their hands after sales.
They’re the setting in which your other types shine.
How do you use your Golds?
Treat them well, keep your word, and set a reachable but high standard. Treat them the way you would have wanted to be treated in your work, or the way you were treated by your best boss and you’ll find yourself with a very solid staff.
Gold famous quotes:
“Hi Boss, how was your weekend? What’s new?”
To be successful, you need a mix of people. With the right blend of your “jewels” and the right treatment, you’ll be on your way to a very effective team!