As has been the case with nearly every incarnation of customer focus activity, this focus on “experience” is inadvertently randomizing corporations, sending people out on tactical missions to map customer touchpoints with no future relevance to the operation and making a lot of consultants happy.
To make customer experience stick as part of your operation, you need an organized and phased approach for how to integrate this new competency into your organization. Without it, “CX” becomes one more customer focused “hoopla” event that your company tried for a while and then abandoned.
So here, based on working with scores of clients around the world…is the REAL world approach for how to integrate the discipline of customer experience into your operation – in a way that will make each competency change how you do work.
- These five competencies need to be embedded into the DNA of a business to ensure that “customer experience” becomes part of how you do business.
- The Customer Experience Leader has the responsibility for uniting leaders and the operation in understanding the need for these competencies and for building them in the order most relevant and pressing order.
- The key here is to do as much in each competency as needed to provide clarity for the competency, get action moving and build the bridge when required between one competency and another.
- These competencies don’t need to be tackled in order. Relevance to your operation is most important. Getting traction is paramount. Don’t “boil the ocean” as we used to say at Microsoft.
You will find this framework will “demystify” the actions and the end state, which you should be able to recognize when your company and operation become proficient at “customer experience.”
Take Action: Download the Overview of the 5 Customer Competencies of Customer Experience
5 Customer Experience Competencies
Competency #1 – Define the Stages of Experience to Gain Alignment around Customer Experience
Competency #2 – Develop Experience Based Customer Listening and Feedback
Competency #3 – United (Cross-Silo) Experience Reliability and Accountability
Competency #4 – Manage Customers as Assets – Prove the ROI between Experience and Growth
Competency #5– Create a “One Company” Customer Experience Culture