Greetings. Trying to enhance innovation and build a more innovative corporate culture? If so, here’s a quick and fun “test” to help you understand what it takes by assessing your IQ or “Innovation Quotient.” Just answer twelve straightforward questions and you’ll be able to get a snapshot of your company or organization’s ability to identify and nurture the right new ideas. Actual innovation is a bit more complicated, but the “test”–while somewhat unscientific–is a useful way to focus your thinking on the things that matter most. And, it’s fast, easy to take, doesn’t require any studying in advance or cheat notes, and is based on the practices of some of the world’s most innovative companies.
So grab your favorite No. 2 pencil and have fun!
Actually, you can take the test and get your score instantly by following this link to our corporate website. But if you’re the kind of person who prefers to know the questions before taking any test that has no right or wrong answers, here they are:
1. Is leadership committed to the importance of innovation?
2. Is the company’s vision for the future clear and inspiring?
3. Is there a strong sense of urgency about innovation?
4. Is there a clear process for identifying and testing new ideas?
5. Are people encouraged to be curious and think in new ways?
6. Do you hire people with experience, energy, and passion?
7. Is there a high degree of collaboration across the organization?
8. Is there a commitment to make work fun and engaging?
9. Do the right incentives exist to spur new ideas and risk-taking?
10. Are people rewarded for new ideas that don’t make it to market?
11. Is senior management willing to take informed risks?
12. Are the right resources available to support promising ideas?
Good luck and may the force (of innovation that is) be with you!
We win in business and in life by creating a culture that consistently and passionately nurtures curiosity, genius, and innovation. Is your organization up to the task?