So, you still think that cold calling is a good idea? Look, I’m from the great state of Minnesota, and as you can see from looking around me, I’ve done a lot of cold calling in my life.
But I’m not here today to just talk about tromping around in the snow. I’m here today to talk about cold email messages that you might be sending to your prospects, as well as cold phone messages that you may be leaving.
The truth of it is, your prospects know if you’re making a cold call on them. It’s the same message that you leave for everybody and it screams, “Same message! Nothing special!”
In order to be effective today you need to have a message that really resonates with a particular person that you’re calling.
And it can’t be one that’s just full of trivia that is irrelevant. It has to be targeted, it has to mention things about their company or their business or the challenges or the issues that they’re facing. It has to have information or insights in the message that they would find useful and helpful in acheiving their goals.
If you don’t do that, you can sure make a lot of calls. But you don’t get paid on the quantity of messages that you leave. You get paid on what happens with the message, if you can get an appointment or a meeting set up, and then what happens with the meeting.
So, don’t fool yourself in thinking that sheer quantity is enough to get you what you need today. It isn’t! You need to have quality, and that means that just calling cold doesn’t work.
So that’s your choice. Do you want to continue this cold calling insanity? Or, do you want to craft messages that actually work?
Download my Value Proposition Kit today to learn more about how to create irresistible sales messaging.