OK… maybe the title of this post is pejorative on Social Media Day. I’ll admit Social Media is part of the answer, but let’s look at some basic facts to consider:
- 90% of word of mouth is offline
- You have no control what people say about you, you only have control over how you make them feel
- The ‘me’ in social media is about the me in customer, not the business
You need to be talkable as a business
I’m not a big fan of Bonnie Raitt (in fact I generally loathe only two types of music . . . ‘country and western’). That said, her song, “Let’s give’em something to talk about” speaks volumes about the importance of customer experience (cx). CX is the igniter of social media.
Using a little artistic license (apologies Bonnie) on the song lyrics:
Let’s give them something to talk about
A little lagniappe as they wonder out
Let’s give them something to talk, blog, Facebook and tweet about
Do you agree?