Before we cover the six secrets, let me ask you a question;
If every individual committed to personal excellence and inspired daily performance, would employee engagement programs be necessary?
I believe organizations can create a culture where inspired performance is possible however it is still an individual’s discretionary choice if they want to be magnificent or ordinary.
Regardless of what you do or who you are, you can make a daily choice to be magnificent at what ever you are doing, when ever you are doing it, whom ever you are doing it for.
Have you noticed that those who always go out of their way to be their best seem to be the ones who are “the luckiest,” who happen to get promoted, or win the new customer?
If you want extraordinary results, you must implement these six secrets.
Remember, you must use all of these six elements as they are interdependent to achieving superior results.
The first secret is to do more than is asked, or more than you are responsible for. Do this willingly with no expectation of credit.
The second secret is to be proactive in everything you do. Whether it is delivering good news or not so good news, being proactive is a critical element.
The third secret is to volunteer for special projects or more responsibility.Do so in the spirit of being a servant and not expecting anything in return.
The fourth secret is to go out of your way to serve an internal partner. Internal service, speed and responsiveness is the biggest untapped resource in almost every organization. Take a lead role in providing great internal service.
The fifth secret is to not spread negative gossip. Positive gossip and positive rumors can be one of the most powerful things an organization can create. But remember, those who are inspired make a personal commitment not to spread negativity.
The sixth, and most important secret, is to be memorable. Don’t be average. Look at every interaction as an opportunity to create a positive memorable experience. When you develop the habit of doing that for everybody you run into, every place that you are, you’ll see that it is the fuel that propels the inspired performance.
Remember, you have to use all six of these secrets interdependently to achieve inspired performance.
Print the following info graphic and tape it to your bathroom mirror where you put on your make up or shave.
Read the secrets every day.
Implement the secrets every day.