Years ago, Sales 2.0 was synonymous with Web 2.0 technologies. For today’s marketing and sales professionals, Sales 2.0 is more than technology. It’s a fundamental shift in mind-set that is contrary to how many of us were ‘taught” to do our jobs. While technology brought it to life, Sales 2.0 embodies the strategic and tactical approaches, best practices and re-thinking of how sales and marketing can more effectively meet the needs of today’s buyers.
For some, the adoption of the Sales 2.0 mentality occurred long ago. For others, it has yet to happen. Where are you in the process?
Check out the “before” and “after” scenarios below and let me know your thoughts. Also, feel free to include your own scenarios in the comments.
Before Sales 2.0
You’d find out that your contact is no longer with the company in your monthly “stay-in-touch” call. (Worse still, you find out from your contact’s replacement who is at the same extension.)
After Sales 2.0
Minutes after your contact has updated her LinkedIn profile with a new position, you send them a congratulations note. Later that day, your contact invites you to discuss her needs at the new company.
Since you receive alerts from your contacts old company, a few days later you see the job posting to fill your contact’s old position. You quickly forward it to a person you know who’d be a great fit and was looking. They get the job and you have a very grateful new contact at the company.
Before Sales 2.0
You’d go to conferences and (awkwardly) introduce yourself to prospects you’ve been chasing for months. They smile politely and take your card but tell you that they unfortunately “ran out” of their cards.
After Sales 2.0
You go to conferences to finally meet the people you’ve been engaging with in social media for months. They smile at you from across the room because they recognize you from your profile picture and come over to shake your hand. You ask them something clever about their favorite [insert hobby, activity, interest they’ve been tweeting about here] and they tell you a great story about it. Then they say, “Let’s schedule some time to chat, I’m working on a project I think you can help me with.”
Before Sales 2.0
You received a “Contact Us” form lead with no idea what the person on the other end needs or how to prepare for the call.
After Sales 2.0
You receive a lead from a white paper download on, “Top 10 Tips To Improve XYZ.”
Before responding, you’ve looked up the contact in your CRM, reviewed their activity history and noted interesting moments from your marketing automation solution (like how they visited a high value page on ABC last week). You also used your sales intelligence solution to get their company information, key executives and direct reports.
Now, you’re confident and prepared to discuss their XYZ and ABC needs intelligently and relevantly.
Before Sales 2.0
Your boss wanted to know why you’re on LinkedIn instead of cold-calling to that list of 1,000 contacts he bought.
After Sales 2.0
Your boss wants to know if you’d mind introducing him to one of your LinkedIn connections.
Before Sales 2.0
Success in your job was defined by your ability to handle objections, steer the conversation and “convince” prospects you were the best choice.
After Sales 2.0
Success in your job is defined by your ability to understand the needs of your prospects, present intelligent solutions to their business problems, and be a trusted source of industry knowledge and expertise.