While this is certainly obvious, I’m occasionally amused – and sometimes astonished – by vendors who forget to close their Remote Demo meetings (e.g., via WebEx, GoToMeeting, Adobe Connect, etc.) and corresponding phone connections.
Amused – when a vendor forgets to close the session(s) and the collaboration tool window remains open/active.
Astonished – when a vendor forgets and, still sharing his desktop, starts to write email messages about the results of the web meeting! As a customer, it can be very interesting to see how the sales rep describes what a “great” meeting it was and how the “business is in the bag…!” I’ve heard the same with conference calls that remain open and active after the meeting has completed.
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Peter–I’m laughing, since I remember a notable failure-to-disconnect glitch. The moderator of a technical demo referred to me as a “short whiner.” Unbeknownst to him, I was still on the line. At that point, I chimed in and said “I am not short.”
He didn’t find the incident funny, but I did. I never forgot that experience, and always make sure to inform my colleagues that any post-meeting comments must be shared in a separate conversation, because one never knows exactly what’s “post-meeting!”
Jocularity aside, the issue you’ve raised is important. Such mistakes can kill deals.
As the saying goes, “plan the end of the call before it begins.”