A colleague recent sent me Cheat-Sheets for PowerPoint and other Microsoft Office products (actually called “Quick Reference Cards” – but Cheat-Sheet is much more fun). I note that the Slide Delivery Shortcuts can be particularly useful and included some that were new to me:
Slide Show Delivery
End Slide Show “Esc”
Jump to Slide “Slide #” + “Enter”
Toggle Screen Black “B”
Toggle Screen White “W”
Pause Show “S”
Show/Hide Pointer “A”
Change Arrow to Pen “Ctrl” + “P”
Change Pen to Arrow “Ctrl” + “A”
Erase Doodles “E” [“Doodles” are ad hoc markings]
Send me an email ([email protected]) if you’d like to receive the full Cheat-Sheet for PowerPoint or the full set for MS Office.