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But this article isn’t about internet marketers. It’s about sales professionals and what they can learn about how not to do the job from the social media evangelists.
The word sales people should never use is ‘I’.
That’s where these jokers make their mistake. They think talking about themselves and their success creates excitement, and envy and aspiration. Pontificating about themselves, what they’ve learned, what they think, is some kind of Pied Piper leadership.
It doesn’t. It just makes them look like the shallow, self serving, egotistical, opportunists they really are.
And you’ll realise how annoying that is for buyers when you put yourself in their place, and read the crap turned out by the false prophets.
The sales process is never about the seller. It’s about the buyer. The conversation is always about You and never about I.
When it comes to delivery, customers understand sales people rarely do more than take the order. Somebody else looks after delivery and customer service. When the sales professional needs to describe how the customers wants will be met, the word is We, not I.
The sales pitch always has to be about what YOU will out of what We do.