You bet. In fact, we’re probably at the “end” of usefulness for repeating the same tired examples of social media success — Dell, Starbucks, Best Buy. There is little actionable information there for businesses unless they are named, Dell, Starbucks and Best Buy.
Knowing what not to do, and what doesn’t work is at least as important as what might work. Unfortunately, few businesses are willing to trumpet their failures, so while we have visible loud successes, wwe also have invisible failures from which we could learn.
Do they exist, these failures? Oh yes. The invisibles number in the tens of thousands, if account abandonment rates on Twitter are any reflection. Some brief research we conducted looked at whether smaller businesses were trying Twitter, and then abandoning it, and suprisingly, many of the abandoned business accounts had thousands of followers, and had emitted thousands of tweets.
We won’t hear from them, at least not on social media channels.
Too bad.
Well, if you have tried things that didn’t work on social media (and I bet most things don’t) let’s hear from you. Comment.