ForeSee, a market research consulting company which rates website satisfaction reports both and as the best online retailers for customer satisfaction. Both companies scored 86 out of 100 – any score over 80 considered to be excellent. This is the sixth year of the survey, and both companies have consistently done well.
What made Netflix so successful in the customer satisfaction category and how can we apply their success to our e-commerce future successes? Netflix didn’t start out with a great deal of content, but grew using more methods for customer accessing content by the Internet connected devices, game consoles, Blu-ray Disc players, and television sets. Netflix streaming videos were an instant success, and their marketing campaign have made their services and hardware extremely popular. What’s more is the company continues to expand and improve; an absolute necessity in today’s online market.
The home entertainment giant has been credited with having a great website. According to ForeSee, shoppers are 61 percent more likely to purchase online with customer satisfaction scores above 80. The criteria judged included brand loyalty, recommending the company to others, and how customers are treated online. Customers are concerned with content, quality, website functionality, and merchandise. Ironically price slashing wasn’t a big deal; customers were more interested in the website functionality. That would serve as an interesting element for smaller online organizations worried about competing with the huge companies who cut their prices more often (prices still need to be kept competitive however).
Website functionality success includes an easily accessible site with content and user-friendly explanations. Customers are interested in blogs, and forums – good quality discussions and helpful solutions to commonly asked questions. Recent and relevant articles pertaining to the venue of the business, and customer service avenues readily available with immediate solutions, guarantees, and personal service add to their appeal. The website should be vibrant, and above all offer the customer the best shopping experience ever!
“In a recovering economy, a lot of us assume that declining satisfaction is a result of frustration with prices. Our research shows that is not always the case, and that it varies drastically from company to company,” states ForeSee Results CEO Larry Freed.
Care about how your customers are treated online, and it seems they will care about you.
photo credit: bizbuzzmedia