Have you been recruited purely through the social channels ?
LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Naymz, they’re all there boasting your profile to all and sundry and a carefully crafted profile can attract the right attention. But here’s a thought. Organisations utilising social software can easily identify those internally in the business who really need to be retained and nurtured.
I wrote a few weeks back how using networked communities and social enterprise software can help monitor and track individuals worth keep hold of that old silo’d and hierarchical org structures would keep hidden from view (especially if they’re perceived as a threat by peers)
“There’s another advantage in understanding the social enterprise network dynamic. What is the impact of a key networked resource leaving the organisation. Right now it’s build on their place in a traditional hierarchy and how many people sit below and above them in the chain. Under a community operating model that span of influence could be exponential yet completely hidden. Would you really let this person go if you understood how much the larger community relied on them ? I seriously doubt you would.“
Apart from the typical areas which would benefit from greater collaboration and social interaction such as customer facing departments and process professionals, HR departments should also take advantage of this paradigm to leverage the level of transparency it can bring, monitor who the resources are in the enterprise with the awareness and knowledge that others are using outside of their normal job remit.
In this way, HR could be at the forefront of actually helping shape how talent should really be distributed across the enterprise. And I bet it would look nothing like how it would be structured using traditional top-down org charts.