Multi-channel marketing just got more innovative! Movie director Wes Anderson is releasing, tomorrow, a 13 minute short on the Internet called “Hotel Chevalier” as a tool for pre-marketing Saturday’s release of his new flick, “The Darjeeling Limited.”
“Hotel Chavalier” is designed as a “preequel of sorts” that was made a year before “Darjeeling” began filming. The short features Natalie Portman, who will no doubt wins some eyeballs because of her extended nude scene 🙂 Her character makes only a cameo appearance in “Darjeeling.”
But guess where the “Hotel Chevalier” premier will be held? At Apple stores in NY, Chicago, San Francisco and Santa Monica! And starting Wednesday, it will be available as a free download on Apple Inc.’s iTunes Web site.
Look for more film makers (and studios) to follow suit. Wes Anderson is showing the industry some new moves to leverage movie buzz.