When it comes to hiring, nothing replaces or is an effective substitute for a new hire training, management, and indoctrination program. What is this obsession with employment profiles and screening? No matter how effectively, accurately, and closely you measure, evaluate, and align a person to your company, their success is dependent upon your organization’s ability to assimilate them into the organization.
Just because an individual’s personality and profile assessments provide a certificate of compatibility does not make them a great hire. It only means that you have improved your chances of hiring the best person. It does not mean you hired the best person or the right person.
Once they show up for their first day, the real work begins. What is your employee orientation process? What is your employee development training program? What is the plan for the manager and the team to train, educate, develop and mentor this employee? For many, the answer to these questions are “??”. This is where hiring failures occur–poor assimilation, orientation, and training.
Basing your hiring decision on a testing profile, while maintaining a non-existent or poorly coordinated new hire development program, puts the onus on the new hire to be a good and successful fit. Going for the “sure thing” in profiling exercises is like using the “easy button.” It takes all the pressure and accountability off your organization to develop them. What your business really requires is an investment in a development methodology, including management interaction, so that it is not easy to simply blame the new hire for their failings when they quit or get fired down the road. Use the profiles if you believe it helps, but development processes to ensure these new hires really succeed.
Photo credit: striatic