Aren’t we all focused on enhancing our web sites to handle common customer service issues and questions to help reduce call center costs (headcount, resources, etc.)? What I find to be a bit of sad irony is that while time and energy is being spent to beef up web site content, few people within the company have the slightest clue as to what is on their web site. I know I’ve been guilty of this myself.
I recently called a company about a service issue and the agent promptly let me know that my issue could be solved by going to the web site. I say, “thank you for letting me know that. I did try to serve myself and couldn’t figure it out. What exactly do I need to click on to get the information?”….radio silence. The agent had no idea. So, we both think this should be possible but neither of us knows how to do it. The shame is that I am not the only one having this problem.
“When my appliance started smoking I called your customer service number and when I did the agent, he told me I could troubleshoot it myself on the web site. I went to the web site and couldn’t find any info on technical service. When I called the service number a second time to ask the agent where to find the info, he couldn’t tell me either. Nice service!”
“After spending upwards of an hour on your web site I finally found the rebate form I was looking for. I guess you really don’t want people to get their money because you buried it so no one could find it!”
“Your agent told me I could download warranty information from your web site, but couldn’t tell me where to find it. I can’t believe these people are handling your customer service. I shouldn’t have bothered calling at all!”