Back in 80’s I came across the teachings of Dr. Edward Deming and I really connected to his quality initiatives. The turn arounds that occurred in nations (Japan) and organizations that developed a quality focus is remarkable.
He had defined many wise fundamentals on managing a business that have been a core in my business management philosophy and practices over the years.
You may also consider these to help manage your way “Out of the Crisis”
- “Create constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service”, with the aims of becoming competitive, staying in business and providing jobs.
- Adopt a new philosophy – “Client-centric with continual quality improvements”. Having a customer centric business philosophy is core to Success with CRM.
- Improve constantly and forever in the system of service and production.
- Institute training on the job. Institute leadership. Institute a vigorous program to encourage education, retraining and self-improvement for everyone.
- “Drive out-fear”- so that everyone can work effectively for your business, and employees are not afraid to ask questions and take a position. (It employee’s responsibility to inform management about problems and its management’s responsibility to act). {His ‘Drive out Fear’ fundamental is critical to full engagement and reaching predictable success}
- Take action to accomplish the transformation by putting everyone to work on it. (Workers cause 15% of the problems whereas the system produces 85%. The system is the responsibility of the management).
- Don’t neglect long-term planning and transformation. {Devote dedicated time to work “on” the business and not just “in” the day to day of business}
What ‘quality’ improvement can your bring into your business?