In a recent video on “how PageRank flows from Twitter and Facebook” & the effect of these links on web search rankings,Matt Cutts published a video (embedded below). I have concluded following points from this video and I urge you to share your views too.
1) It does not matter much whether the individual link is from Twitter or Facbook, Matt even added that it is same for .gov or .edu links. (A common SEO myth is that .gov and .edu links are treated in a special way)
2)Matt Cutts made it clear that Page Rank is still valid and it has influence on the Page Reputation and OutBound links !
3) The no-followed links from Twitter seems to be of less or no value, Facebook profile and fan pages are crawled and indexed the same way as other links probably.
Check out the video below and share comments:
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Fascinating stuff… I wonder if Backtweets actually matter after time passes… I mean, it’s not hard to publish links across a fleet of Twitter accounts (using hootsuite, socialoomph, twitterfeed). We know those show up and affect rankings, but how so after they’re no longer relevant in the “real-time web”? Matt Cutts, help! 🙂
Great video – and thanks for summarizing some of the points.
Glenn Friesen
We’ve all heard that Google is trying to incorporate social signals into its ranking algorithm. This would seemingly include links and likes from Facebook, links from Twitter, and Google +1s.
links from facebook are nofollow so google would not count them Facebook links can ONLY help you get traffic, nothing more.