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DoubleTree has a new commercial showcasing their signature purple goldfish:
Good Day Sunshine . . . with a warm chocolate chip cookie
The commercial according to DoubleTree, “illustrates the simultaneous experience of travel with the little things our hotel team members do every day to create a rewarding experience for our hotel guests.“
DoubleTree offers an explanation right on the brown paper bag the cookie comes in. “Why a cookie?” the headline asks. “Cookies are warm, personal and inviting, much like our hotels and the staff here that serves you.”
Some may argue that a mere chocolate chip cookie is empty and meaningless. It’s not meaningless, especially when that little extra is a signature element. I subscribe to the philosophy that Malcolm Gladwell offered in The Tipping Point, “The little things can make the biggest difference.” DoubleTree understands the chocolate chip cookie is not just a cookie, it’s much more than that.
Today’s Lagniappe (a little something extra thrown in for good measure): DoubleTree celebrates the 25th anniversary of the cookie this year. Here’s a video from across the pond in London:
Where is the lagniappe in your marketing? What’s Your Purple Goldfish?
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