As organizations focus on “voice of the customer” programs, you may notice that you are receiving more and more surveys. You purchase something at a store and your receipt provides you with an incentive to log in to their web site to provide feedback; you stay at a hotel and you are emailed a follow-up customer survey.
I recently was reminded of this when I received my quarterly newsletter from My Marriot Voice. My Marriott Voice is a closed community initiated by Marriott to solicit feedback from a select number of customers who have opted in to surveys and can participate in forums in exchange for points or other rewards. One of the best things about My Marriott Voice is the newsletter; it lets you know the results of the surveys and actions that are being taken as a result. In fact, Marriott is creating new interactions with you – creating two way dialog and engagement, resulting in increased loyalty while reinforcing their brand. And, speaking personally as a customer who regularly gets asked to take surveys – sometimes quite extensive ones – it’s nice to see that feedback can be a two-way street.