35 Ways CRM boosts sales productivity: today & every future day.
The following list contains various ways that the use of a CRM system and related technology can help boost sales productivity and effectiveness...
- To get a quick handle on your schedule for today and this week. It is important to not miss a To-do task, an appointment, a phone call or an important meeting and screw up expectations.
- To reduce my risk of forgetting who, what, when, where, why, and how!
- To quickly find information about a contact’s phone number, email, or address.
- To notify prospective customers about an upcoming event such as a trade show or new pricing for a product line using email.
- To follow up with next action notes about a meeting that just completed. Thus not forgetting key elements of who, what, when, where, why and how.
- To quickly view your top opportunities and the amount of time passed since positive progress; so the opportunity and contact relationships opportunity does not become cold!
- To look up other customer accounts in the same geographical area and reduce travel time to reconnect.
- To capture notes of a recently discovered, new competitor’s apparent strengths, weakness and your selling strategies against. Extremely helpful “later” and when shared with fellow salespeople and sales management.
- To provide sales force automation: Create a quote, send it with an email to an important contact, and automatically record it in your CRM history all with the press of a button or tap of a finger.
- To access sales and product literature and easily attach it digitally to an outgoing set of email addresses.
- To open a PDF of a recent quote to re-send to a prospect or to quickly review its contents before making a follow-up phone call.
- To pop up a picture of contact, just in case you’re in a room with many others and need to quickly recognize them
- To capture important notes and key decisions from a recent phone call so the right commitments are not forgotten.
- To view digital documents about pricing, product literature and competitive battle cards to make intelligent decisions and meaningful conversations!
- To capture quick notes of a recent customer issues (ticket/case) and forward it to customer service for quick follow up.
- Faster scheduling: To quickly view if another key person is available for a meeting; maybe an internal tech rep or sales manager to help with a upcoming sales presentation.
- Easily click on the company’s URL to view their web site – check out news releases, product offering and changes in key contacts.
- Relationship Building: To remember to mention that the contact you’re about to call has their only daughter now attending the State University or their spouse has started looking into a vacation home in Sedona.
- To remember that Joe, Bill & Richard are obsessive fans for a favorite sports team and would really enjoy tickets to Saturday’s game.
- Click on the company’s Facebook link to observe how they are trying to attract and influence others OR click on a contact’s LinkedIn account to quickly view fresh info about the business or a person’s interests and prior job responsibilities.
Stay tuned for Part II – valuable FUTURE ways CRM boosts sales productivity and effectiveness!
How about your next actions?