Focused attention usually generates better results than acting haphazardly without a plan. I believe that. And, that belief was reinforced to me a few times this week already.
First, a customer strategist I’m working with – who is conducting their annual Voice of the Customer program – checked in to confirm the definition of “World Class” customer ratings. His team is focused on helping their organization optimize the customer experience. They want to understand their strengths. And they want to know where they fall short so that action plans can be implemented to improve customer perceptions. But making incremental improvements is not enough for this group. They don’t want to simply be better than they were last year. Instead, they want to provide a world class customer experience. As a result, they are outperforming competitors, which ultimately is helping drive business success.
Another Customer Experience Team we are working with met today to assess progress on having a world class customer listening program. Using the Six Essentials as a foundation, the team identified two areas where they want to make improvements over the next year. They are committed to making improvements and have even incorporated goals into their MBOs. Based on changes put in place this year, it is clear that the focused attention is making a difference and they are moving the needle in their quest for having a world class program.
It’s not just about getting better. It’s about becoming world class.
Kitty Radcliff
Vice President, Consulting Services