In this show (Show 88), sales geek and author Jeff Shore sits down with show host Jeff Ogden to share insights from his new book, Be Bold and Win the Sale. Click the button at the lower right to maximize the window for optimal viewing. This is our premiere show in 2014 and we look forward to bringing you many more great guests this year.
Happy Birthday, Jeff!
With countless books filling shelves about sales, the last think we need is a book about sales techniques. Jeff’s book is different. Instead of sales techniques and ideas, Jeff targets the inner demons that are the real enemy of sales performance – the lack of boldness.
There’s also a great offer in the show. Click on the button at the top of the show to learn about the book and take advantage of the free offers.
In this show, you’ll learn three things:
- What is boldness in sales and why you need it.
- How you can become more bold and take charge of your own career
- Why Marketing Made Simple TV is a perfect example of boldness
Here is more information from Jeff Shore:
- Conquer your inner discomfort to win more sales.
- Kill the bad habits that get between you and success.
- Re-train your brain to win every time.
- Break through your boundaries to your inner boldness to become a wickedly effective sales person.
- Understand what motivates your customers on a deep level so you can create amazing results for both of you.
Marketing Made Simple TV is a production of Find New Customers, the “Nicest company in the btob marketing space.”
Find New Customers is a provider of b2b lead generation services to help companies grow revenue. The show is directed by Craig Yaris of Social Ribbit, and the show is supported by the sponsors you see on the screen. Please visit them and thank them for supporting Marketing Made Simple TV.
Marketing Made Simple TV premieres every Thursday at noon ET/9am PT here at Marketing Made Simple TV. 14 days later the show goes into our massive syndication network, reaching over 2 million people. To learn how your company can leverage the power of Marketing Made Simple TV, please visit our Sponsor page.