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Tim Tyler

Tim Tyler
Tim Tyler is a consultant and Certified Net Promoter® Associate at Genroe, a consultancy specalising in customer experience management.

Protecting Customers from your Marketing

"Capturing Customers", "Luring Customers", "Attracting Customers" and "Keeping Customers" are all terms used daily in marketing departments. They invoke images of carefully prepared...

Managing Customer Loyalty: It has always been about listening and remembering

"If you strip away all the hype around how to 'do' relationships, you are left with one simple concept. The real essence of a...

An introduction to Life Time Value (LTV) and Loyalty Marketing for SMEs

We recently participated in a written interview for the SME magazine of one of our major Australian banks. The article was not all about...

The Buzz Insurance launch an innovative new customer loyalty program

The Australian general insurance business has become a hot house of competition, with heavy promotion by new overseas online insurers. Intense competition can be a...

Net Promoter Links to Recency-Frequency-Monetary (RFM)

From the early days of data-driven marketing, it has been known that marketers can predict which customers are most likely to respond to an...

The 10 major marketing themes in 2000: Still relevant?

Every now and then I like to go back and read past work from the giants of our craft, and Philip Kotler certainly qualifies...

4 ways to involve your customers in new product development

Over the last 18 months or so we have been working with an innovative client who has looked to their customers to co-create their...

Control groups and loyalty programs; an impossible dream?

Measuring the effectiveness of customer loyalty programs has always been a bit of a problem. We know the objectives of these programs clearly, customers who;…

Marketing offers: The great ‘right offer’ versus ‘right time’ face off

Some time ago I posted an answer to a question I was asked by a retail client; ‘if the offers are always relevant, does...

Building customer loyalty through comms? You need a Customer Contact Framework

Using the Value Map and calculating Marketing Allowable puts you in good stead as you manage your customer relationships. But, if you don’t know...

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