Home Authors Posts by Danielle Demkiw

Danielle Demkiw

Danielle Demkiw
As Managing Director, Danielle crosses the Ts and dot the Is at The Bannermen Business Headquarters (or TBMBHQ, as no one calls it). She has a passion for all things beautifully efficient and efficiently beautiful and helps run this Banner-Ship like the steadfast vessel that she is. Her life before The Bannermen? She worked as a business analyst before diving head first into a brief foray as a web developer. Her technical knowledge ensures that she knows the company inside out. As a bonus, she loves taking roles with big shoes to fill despite having actually, freakishly small feet.

Direct Response and brand awareness? Yes, you Cannes!

Whilst the creative industry nursed its collective hangover following this year's Creative Festival in Cannes and the Gutter Bar gleefully counted its money, it...

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