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Tanvir Zafar

Tanvir Zafar
I have 9 years experience of being an entrepreneur and marketing has been my passion and it's how I monetize my ideas. Meet Tanvir Zafar CEO of Howpk

What tech companies can teach us about dealing with recessions

The tech industry is known to be relatively resilient to recessions. Tech companies are not necessarily invulnerable to economic downturns, but they usually survive...

Social Promotion Tips for Business Growth

Working with social media has proven to be one of the surest and most effective ways to increase your customer base However, while some companies...

Steps To Scaling Your Business From Good To Fantastic

Definition Of Business Growth What does one mean when they suggest business growth? Most believe that business growth predominantly has to do with company...

Grow your business without jolts thanks to open source software

Today, instead of using proprietary software, more people and companies are opting for open source software. So the question is why are people or...

3 Success Tips for Startup Business Growth

If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, you should know that success does not happen overnight. In fact, it can take a few years until your...

The Essence of Customer Service

To start talking about customer service, it is necessary to talk about something more general: experience. All of us desire pleasant experiences with anything,...

How to Attract More Customers for Your Business with Promotions

Coupons are an awesome way to actually generate more customers and grow your business. However, the truth is that a lot of businesses just...

The Future of Work: 7 Technologies That Will Unsettle Any Employee

If there’s anything we can say about the future, it’s that none of us can say for certain what it will bring. Times are...

Strategies to Facilitate Business Growth

Business growth is something that is desirable to everyone. However, while we all want it, only a few people actually have the know-how and...

Maintaining Steady Business Growth Even with Competition

As much as you might not like it, the business world of today is a very open one. Anyone with an idea and a...

5 Steps to Help You Increase Customer Engagement

While business trends might change, one ever-constant aspect of business is the need to keep your customers engaged. This is one of the things...

The Importance of Point of Sale for Retail Companies

Technology is revolutionising everything we do, and this includes the retail industry. With the constant need to improve performance systems are streamlined and processes...

Exclusive Ways to Win Back Your Customers’ Trust

Every now and then, it’s entirely possible for your company to fall short of customers’ expectations. When this happens, you’re sure to lose a...

Looking to Appreciate Your Customers? Check These Out!

Every business revolves around its customers. The customers are the ones who keep you in business and who patronize you. Every now and then,...

How Mobile Devices Could Improve Customer Satisfaction

Firms all over the country and in all industries and sectors of the economy are looking for ways through which they can make better...

Must Read: 7 Rules of Customer Engagement You Must Abide To

As a concept, customer engagement basically means encouraging and spurring your customers to interact and converse about the experiences which they get from you...

7 security tips to protect your customer data

Today every business faces a tough competition online and several measures are called for surviving in today’s market. Customers always wish to stay with...

A Critical Look on the Value of a Customer on Your Business

Customers are the lifeblood of any business. We’re all probably aware of that fact. Without the customers, your entire reason for going into business...

AI is Democratizing Design for Small Business Owners

Manufacturing mogul Henry Ford once famously quipped that his groundbreaking automobile was available in any color his customers wanted, as long as that color...

How to Boost Your Sales and Increase Customer Loyalty

It is a well established fact that the only reason anybody really goes into business is to make profits. The profit motive has been...

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