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Scott Brinker

Scott Brinker
Scott Brinker is the president & CTO of ion interactive, a leading provider of post-click marketing software and services. He writes the Conversion Science column on Search Engine Land and frequently speaks at industry events such as SMX, Pubcon and Search Insider Summit. He chairs the marketing track at the Semantic Technology Conference. He also writes a blog on marketing technology, Chief Marketing Technologist.

The cloud threatens creative destruction for IT

The winds of change are blowing through IT, and it's not a gentle summer breeze. Earlier this month, Hewlett-Packard announced they were cutting 9,000...

When marketing optimization feels like extortion

Forgive me for this rant, but I hope this will be helpful as an example of how short-sighted, overly aggressive marketing optimization techniques can...

3 nimble trends changing content and marketing

Razorfish just released a great new report, Nimble: Publishing in the Digital Age, written by Rachel Lovinger. The target audience is clearly large publishers...

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