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Scott Brinker

Scott Brinker
Scott Brinker is the president & CTO of ion interactive, a leading provider of post-click marketing software and services. He writes the Conversion Science column on Search Engine Land and frequently speaks at industry events such as SMX, Pubcon and Search Insider Summit. He chairs the marketing track at the Semantic Technology Conference. He also writes a blog on marketing technology, Chief Marketing Technologist.

50 billion reasons for marketing innovation

Mary Meeker, the renowned Internet analyst at Morgan Stanley, just gave her presentation on Internet trends at the Web 2.0 Summit. Mary's presentations are...

Marketing technologists make fire

"Shouldn't all marketers be marketing technologists?" That's a comment I've been hearing more frequently. One of the more interesting objections to my case for a...

IT dictators in an age of marketing democracy

Caron Carlson, editor of FierceCIO, just posted Letting Marketing Handle Its IT, Part 2, continuing the discussion started last week. (See my post on...

Is this the future of marketing education?

While reading MapMyFollowers is a Great Twitter Data Visualization on ReadWriteWeb this morning, I saw this ad for a new graduate program offered by...

Governance vs. management in marketing technology

My recent article in InformationWeek — on why the marketing technology genie isn't going back into the IT bottle — has stirred a few...

Q&A threat to Google that marketers should watch

Search engines created a new ecosystem for consumers and marketers — and in the process made Google worth around $200 billion. If you put...

Why the marketing technology genie isn’t going back into the IT bottle

InformationWeek just published a guest article of mine, Why Marketing Should Run Its Own Technology. While I've been advocating greater technology leadership to marketers...

Advocating marketing technology leadership at Pivot

Earlier this week I had the honor of presenting at Pivot, a new conference in New York City hosted by Chris Shipley (see 5...

Marketing technology shouldn’t be divided in two

It's been a great few weeks for the "chief marketing technologist" meme: the CMO Strategy editorial in Advertising Age, an article in Marketing Sherpa,...

Align or redefine the CMO and CIO?

The CMO Council and Accenture just released a new report, Driving Revenue Through Customer Relevance: Aligning the CMO and CIO to Achieve Agile Intelligent...

CMO Strategy: Establish a Chief Marketing Technologist

Advertising Age just published an article of mine, The Case for a Chief Marketing Technologist, in their CMO Strategy section. This is a sneak...

Technology is just a tool… but are you skilled with it?

"Technology is just a tool." This is a popular refrain in discussions around marketing technology. Marketers invoke it as a way to emphasize the marketing...

Should marketing technology be centralized?

As marketers adopt more and more marketing technology in their work, particularly cloud-based applications, with many choices and many different opinions about what software...

Marketing and IT share a common fear

Change is scary. Big, organization-altering, career-shifting change is downright terrifying. While it can be fun to blog about disruptive innovation and creative destruction —...

Marketers: you are the software you use

You are what you eat. You are the company you keep. And now a new maxim: You are the software you use. Like all great...

The Age of Disposable Software

I have a non-green confession to make: I love paper plates. Paper plates, paper napkins, plastic forks and knives. They're always fresh and clean. Bring...

Adobe, IBM and the big business of marketing software

My friends, marketing software has officially become Big Business. Last Friday, IBM announced its acquisition of enterprise marketing software company Unica for $480 million. Combined...

Shadow IT vs. Shadow Marketing

I believe marketing must lead its own technology. As detailed in my presentation Rise of the Marketing Technologist, I think marketing departments need marketing technologists...

Data as a new marketing channel

Marketers love data. Web analytics, behavioral targeting, social media monitoring, audience measurement, and ever-expanding CRMs are all testament to the demand for more data...

Scaling the new marketing organization

What's the best way to scale marketing? When marketing grows beyond one person, how do you divide up the work? This is one of the...

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