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Scott Brinker

Scott Brinker
Scott Brinker is the president & CTO of ion interactive, a leading provider of post-click marketing software and services. He writes the Conversion Science column on Search Engine Land and frequently speaks at industry events such as SMX, Pubcon and Search Insider Summit. He chairs the marketing track at the Semantic Technology Conference. He also writes a blog on marketing technology, Chief Marketing Technologist.

This CMO wrote the book on big data marketing, literally

As marketers, we have more data at our disposal now than our predecessors could have imagined in their wildest dreams. However, this bounty of...

10 reasons why marketing nerds are so darn lovable

Lattice Engines was kind enough to include me in a recent list of their favorite marketing nerds. I'm certainly honored by the esteemed company...

Debunking 3 myths of agile marketing

Agile marketing continues to grow in popularity. Why? The old "waterfall" approach to marketing planning and execution simply can't keep pace with the speed at...

2 human strengths that are also 2 data weaknesses

Two of the greatest strengths of the human mind in marketing: Our ability to detect patterns from imperfect information. Our ability to tell stories that…

Fire the funnel — 5 stages of the real buyer’s journey

The funnel model of marketing and sales doesn't reflect reality very well. We know this. Buyers don't proceed in lock-step fashion down a pipeline. They...

Ripples from software, to marketing, to manufacturing

We can learn a lot by watching how a revolution moves from one profession to the next. When it comes to rapid prototyping and adaptive...

14 rules for data-driven, not data-deluded, marketing

We're now in the crossfire of a peaking hype cycle for big data and its inevitable backlash. One marketer the other night was yelling...

Front row to the merging of marketing and technology

Bob Lord and Ray Velez, respectively the CEO and CTO of digital agency Razorfish, teamed up to write a book on the intertwining of...

Strategic data vs. data theater in data-driven marketing

Let's face it: we're swimming in a sea of essentially infinite data at this point. In a recent Teradata report, "lack of needed data" was...

Conquering the challenges of social media at scale

"Marketing infrastructure." Not too many years ago, that might have been nominated as an oxymoron, right up there with a deafening silence, sweet sorrow,...

Data is the most underutilized asset in marketing

According to a new study on data-driven marketing by Teradata Applications (the artists formerly known as Aprimo), 45% of marketers believe that data is...

How ReadyTalk successfully adopted agile marketing

As the clockspeed of marketing continues to accelerate, more and more marketers are exploring agile marketing — the application of agile management techniques in...

3 important lessons for marketers from Google’s CIO

You can imagine that being the CIO at Google could be a pretty tough gig. The whole company is teeming with super smart engineers. A...

When a marketing technologist is also the CMO

There are generally two audiences for my blog: (1) CMOs and marketing executives, who want to understand how technology fits into the bigger marketing...

Marketing and technology changes continue to accelerate

If there's one overarching takeaway from a recent survey of B2B marketing executives, it's the one at the top of the chart above: 96%...

Beyond the technology, the art of customer experience

In the upper right of Gartner's latest magic quadrant analysis of web content management (WCM) providers — in the top of the "leaders" quadrant...

Most marketing automation is really experience design

If you were going to pick a representative image of marketing automation, it would surely be one of these flow-like diagrams: If a customer visits...

Memo to Microsoft: Marketing. Marketing. Marketing.

Dear Steve Ballmer — I have three words for you. Marketing. Marketing. Marketing. No, not Microsoft's own marketing — although that's a related topic. The...

A vision of marketing orchestration beyond automation

Southwest Airlines. Whole Foods. Lego. Dollar Rent-a-Car. Under Armor. These are all great brands. And behind every great brand these days, it's worth asking...

Robots vs. marketers: the algorithmic marketing matrix

Last week, Bank of America suffered brand damage with an automated social media bot. Their intent was good: to automatically detect tweets that mentioned...

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