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Scott Brinker

Scott Brinker
Scott Brinker is the president & CTO of ion interactive, a leading provider of post-click marketing software and services. He writes the Conversion Science column on Search Engine Land and frequently speaks at industry events such as SMX, Pubcon and Search Insider Summit. He chairs the marketing track at the Semantic Technology Conference. He also writes a blog on marketing technology, Chief Marketing Technologist.

Marketing technology? Digital? It should be #HumanFirst

Mayur Gupta, author of the terrific Inspire Martech blog and the new SVP and head of digital at Healthgrades, is one of the people...

Meet WPP’s firm of strategic marketing technologists

In preparing for the upcoming MarTech Europe conference — as a promotional interjection, please note that discounted “beta rates” for tickets expire next week...

Can witty martech wisdom fit into 140 characters?

I usually decline these because, well, first of all, I’m typically not witty enough on-the-fly to hold my own in these fast-flinging tweet brawls...

Only 9% of marketers have a complete, fully utilized martech stack

Only 9% of marketers have all the marketing technology they need and fully utilize it. That remarkable statistic stood out to me from a new...

Who are the top 10 martech companies? It may surprise you

Let’s play a little game. The chart above shows the top 10 marketing analytics and automation companies, ranked by their 2014 revenue in this category....

Divergent opinions about chief marketing technologists

Last month, the adtech/martech company DataXu released a great report called The New Marketer: How Data and Technology are Driving the Rise of the...

Interactive content hits a milestone in The Great Content Wars

Last Wednesday was a bit of a historic moment. When I visited The New York Times website that morning, I was amazed to see...

One marketing analytics myth? The perfect KPI…

Today’s Q&A guest is Cesar Brea, author of Marketing and Sales Analytics. Cesar leads Force Five Partners, a marketing analytics consulting firm. Cesar’s book includes...

Marketing and the Internet of Things, closer than you think

For many years, we kept being promised that “the year of mobile” was upon us. When it failed to materialize, it was easy to...

21 marketing technology stacks shared in The Stackies

I’m pleased to announce the results of our first-ever “Stackies” awards. As a quick recap, we invited marketers to send in a single-slide diagram...

4 topologies of integrated marketing technology stacks

“Bill Gates got it immediately. It took Andy Grove 10 years to figure it out, and 20 years for Steve Jobs.” That quote in The...

Similarities and differences of marketing technologists

At the inaugural MarTech Conference last year, Sheldon Monteiro, the global CTO of SapientNitro, led a research study of the attendees — as well...

The 3 pillars of marketing technology at General Mills

One of the best things about the MarTech Conference for me is the amazing group of marketing technologists that I get to meet face-to-face....

29 marketing tech “unicorns” worth $1 billion+ each

When it comes to valuations, the marketing technology landscape seems to follow, more or less, a power law distribution. A few companies are worth...

Marketers are fiercely passionate about their marketing stacks

“It’s okay to love your marketing stack. Just don’t love your marketing stack.” That’s what was running in the back of head last week, as...

I’m sorry, but marketing software is still a world in flux

I’m sorry. I know a lot of people wish that the marketing technology merry-go-round would slow down and consolidate. And I fully appreciate why...

A 2-sided silver bullet for marketing and sales alignment?

Disclaimer: I wear two hats, professionally speaking. With one hat, I write this blog and chair the MarTech conference series — both of which...

9 big takeaways from last week’s #MarTech conference

Wow. Last week’s MarTech Conference was an awe-inspiring two and a half days for me. I am immensely grateful to the 29 speakers, 67...

Springtime in #MarTech — $25.2 billion blossoming

The following is an approximation of my opening presentation at the MarTech Conference this morning in San Francisco. Over 1,000 people are there, participating...

Computer scientist becomes CMO of $50 billion company

Jonathan Martin, the CMO of EMC, was a computer scientist by training. On nights and weekends, he was a musician in a band. That...

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