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Scott Brinker

Scott Brinker
Scott Brinker is the president & CTO of ion interactive, a leading provider of post-click marketing software and services. He writes the Conversion Science column on Search Engine Land and frequently speaks at industry events such as SMX, Pubcon and Search Insider Summit. He chairs the marketing track at the Semantic Technology Conference. He also writes a blog on marketing technology, Chief Marketing Technologist.

Marketing technology utilization takes a major swing upward

Good news! Marketing technology — as a sector and a discipline — is starting to mature. “Massive vendor consolidation?” you might ask hopefully. Well, not...

Everybody has a plan — until they get digitally disrupted

The rock singer Jim Morrison once said about life, “Nobody gets out of here alive.” As the world continues its digital metamorphosis, we could riff...

High-performing marketers emphasize people over data, technology, strategy

“Medicine, law, business, engineering — these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life,” declares Robin Williams’ character, John Keating, in the movie Dead...

Digital transformation at the AARP, from old to new

Had your fill of millennial marketing articles lately? Even the millennials themselves are like, “Don’t you marketers have anything else to talk about? Let...

Martech and marketing technologists go mainstream — 3 key stats

The good folks at DataXu, in collaboration with market research firm MORAR and Withpr, have produced a fantastic quantative research study on the current...

Insights from the chief marketing technologist of an $18B firm

Duane Schulz, chief marketing technologist at Xerox, is a marketing technologist’s marketing technologist. One of the true pioneers of this hybrid profession, Duane has forged...

Microsoft buys LinkedIn: the largest martech acquisition in history?

Last week, Microsoft announced that it was acquiring LinkedIn for a whopping $26.2 billion. This is the largest acqusition in Microsoft’s history — over...

How utilized is marketing automation today? An expert weighs in

I recently had the chance to talk with Jeff Pedowitz, the founder and president of Pedowitz Group, a marketing services provider built around the...

Big deals for Marketo and Demandware, but what do they mean?

REMINDER: don’t miss the upcoming INAUGURAL EPISODE of chiefmartecTV live with David Raab this Friday, June 10 at 2pm EDT. Last week was a big...

The radical NoMQL movement in content marketing

Let me start by saying that if you get the joke in the above tweet — even if you don’t find it a particularly...

Keeping marketing technology integration in perspective

I acknowledge: finding, learning about, and integrating new marketing technologies is a challenge for marketers today. But as a new report from Wrike shows...

41 marketing technology stacks from the 2016 Stackies Awards

So many projects converged for me at the MarTech conference this week in San Francisco. An amazing cast of speakers and sponsors, who knocked...

Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic (2016)

I’m posting this from the 2016 MarTech USA conference in San Francisco — a fitting venue to release the 2016 marketing technology landscape supergraphic....

7 not-quite-predictions for marketing technology in 2016

Most people suck at accurately predicting the future. I’m one of them. I took my shot at the prediction hall-of-fame last year, predicting that Microsoft...

The race for the #1 and #2 marketing technology brands

Al Ries and Jack Trout, who essentially invented the concept of “positioning” in marketing, wrote a terrific book in 1993 called The 22 Immutable...

5 stages of maturity in marketing technology categories

This is the first of several articles leading up to my predictions for marketing technology in 2016. Because martech is a relatively complex space,...

Twitter jumps into interactive micro-content with new poll mechanism

As an enthusiastic proponent of interactive content — and, admittedly, I am biased — I was fascinated to see Twitter release an interactive content...

Integrating marketing technologies? That’s the easy part

Is the “integration” challenge of marketing technology really our top obstacle? There are two studies that I’ve come across in the past couple of weeks...

The 5 digital dynamics that are transforming marketing

As I prepare for the MarTech Europe conference coming up in a few weeks, I’ve been thinking about “digital transformation” — a topic that is...

Marketing technologists, growth hackers, and regression to the mean

One of the arguments I sometimes hear is that the role of marketing technologists has a limited future because, eventually, every marketer will be...

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