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Tim Haller

Tim Haller
Tim Haller has over 25 years of sales and sales management experience. He has delivered training and consulting to Fortune 100 clients across a variety of industries, including technology, business services, travel/leisure and biotechnology. Tim has trained hundreds of sales professionals to close business through the use of effective sales prospecting, negotiation, and closing techniques.

It’s December: close those sales deals in 2013!

Closing out the year successfully? It's as much about not doing the wrong things as it is about doing the right things. Unless you...

Better Sales Pipeline Reviews: Becoming Sherlock Holmes

If you're a sales manager, chances are you have conducted many pipeline reviews over the course of your career. And also likely is the...

3 Kiss of Death Moments in Sales

We have all been there at one point or another in our sales careers; you're in the midst of a deal, engaging in conversations...

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