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Mike Myatt

Mike Myatt
Mike Myatt, is a Top CEO Coach, author of "Leadership Matters...The CEO Survival Manual" and is the Managing Director and Chief Strategy Officer at N2growth. As one of America's top CEO Coaches, Mr. Myatt is a sought after professional advisor known for his savvy, yet straight forward approach to business in serving some of the nation's top CEOs.

Workplace Gossip

Allowing gossip in the workplace is like encouraging your employees to swim with sharks. Let me cut right to the chase – real leaders...

10 Steps to Productive Meetings

If you've ever watched an episode of NBC's "The Office" you know exactly what unproductive meetings look like. The tragic news is many real...

10 Steps to Creating a Talent Advantage

Creating a talent advantage begins with smart hiring. That said, it never ceases to amaze me at the number of people who are charged...

Leadership & Perception

Does perception matter? We've all heard the saying "perception is reality," but is it true? Does perception never, rarely, sometimes, or always equal reality?...

Love and Leadership

In my last post I took a bit of a contrarian look at passion as a leadership trait. Who knew people were so passionate...

The Downside of Passion

Review any list of positive leadership traits and "passion" will undoubtedly rank near the top – rightly so. In most cases passion is an...

Leadership and Blame

In the world of leadership where the traits of accountability and personal responsibility are so highly regarded, I have one question? What's with all...

Leadership is Black and White

I was skimming through headlines on my RSS feed this past weekend when a particular title caught my eye – it simply read: "Situational...

Ideas Don’t Equal Innovation

I had a long conversation yesterday with a friend discussing creativity, ideas, innovation, branding and the like. As a result of our conversation, I...

When Humor Isn’t So Funny

The old saying "everybody loves a comedian" has regretfully given birth to a time where everybody thinks they're a comedian. You see, those who...

Addiction Marketing

"Addiction Marketing" is a phrase I started using a few years back while waiting in line for my drink at Starbucks. I was observing...

Leadership Interview – James Hotaling

There are simply no words that can do justice to the example of servant leadership epitomized by Command Chief Master Sergeant James Hotaling. A...

Leadership & The Power of Listening

Great leaders are great listeners, and therefore my message today is a simple one…talk less and listen more. The best leaders are proactive, strategic,...

Leadership Interview – Warren Bennis

Widely regarded as the father of the contemporary field of Leadership, Warren Bennis paved the way for those of us who make our living...

Leadership and Independence Day

Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays. It celebrates the birth of a great nation founded by men and women who understood the...

How to Hire & Manage Consultants

While you might be lucky enough to survive in business with little or no advice from others, you will certainly not maximize your potential...

Failing to Communicate

Are you guilty of having a failure to communicate? Here's the thing - who cares if you possess excellent communication skills if you don't...

Leadership & Loyalty

For those of you not familiar with the two characters from Band of Brothers depicted above, they are polar opposites in terms of their...

Leadership Interview – Doug Conant

Many people discuss transformational leadership, but few can point to a modern day CEO who is an example of a transformative leader. Douglas R....

Leadership and Mentoring

Leadership and mentoring go hand-in-hand. In fact, this is so much the case that I don't believe a person qualifies as a leader unless...

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