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Mike Boysen

Mike Boysen, Boysen
Transforming the experiences of customers and the professionals who support them

Getting the Right Jobs Done with CRM

What are consumers of CRM missing by focusing on the features presented by vendors over the past 20 years? What are the vendors missing...

The Ugly Truth About Customer Loyalty

It has been 10 years since Dr. V. Kumar exposed the myths of the loyalty movement (Reinartz & Kumar, 2002). Yet, to this day...

Interesting New Ways to Define and Segment your Market

Every company has a definition of their market and every company also identifies certain segments in that market; even if it's in someone's head....

The Widgetization of CRM – Part II

Almost two years ago, I wrote about the Widgetization of CRM; a concept where user interfaces were designed to support the job being done...

An Honest Discussion about Organic Growth

As long as I've been in the CRM space, I've struggled with the fact that the technology was being sold as a guarantor of...

I’m a Great Marketer

Recently, my good friend Wim Rampen wrote a piece about the 7 Jobs a marketer needs to get done in the age of service,...

What CRM Products Will Need To Do Better

The only real disruptive change we've seen in CRM has occurred over the past 10 years and was thrust upon us by Salesforce.com. At...

Put Some CEx Into Your CRM – The Job to be Done in my Pantry

For as long as I've been involved with sales force automation (SFA) and then customer relationship management (CRM), there have been so many easy...

Products Come and Go – Customers Will Always Have Needs

One of the most important things I've learned in my CRM career is that innovation is the biggest driver of long term success for...

Trends in the CRM Software Market 2012

I don't make it my job tracking trends in the CRM software market, Paul Greenberg already does this here http://www.zdnet.com/blog/crm/crm-watchlist-2012-the-winners-list/3966. After reading his post...

6 CRM Steps to Great SEx

I've had this one up on my board for months! Over in the Accidental Community we discuss CRM, Social CRM, Enterprise 2.0 and everything that...

Why CRM Fails-And How To Fix It

I had the good fortune to read a great article on MITSloan Management Review this summer called Why CRM Fails – and How to...

CRM Disruption You Can Count On

How much of your CRM application are you actually hiring? Yes, I understand you are paying for all of it. The question is whether...

The Fallacy of Attribute Based Customer Segmentation

I operate in and around the constant drone of attribute based customer segmentation. There is a prevailing thought that organizing your product or service...

Unmet Needs, Networks, Signals, Reputation

I was reading a great post by my friend, and colleague, Brian Vellmure this morning (Network, Signals Reputation and Delight) and felt like adding...

You’re Hiring Me To Help You Do a Job Better, Right?

I'm in a unique position as a CRM consultant because I have customers who have needs, and it's my job to understand them, prioritize...

The Ground -Up Product Penetration & Disruption Model

Do you work in an Enterprise that organizes itself though a command & control hierarchy, makes decisions behind closed doors, and basically prevents you...

The Opportunity Cost of Ownership in CRM

I caught the tail end of a Twitter discussion, yesterday, between rwang0 (Ray Wang) and two friends, Mitch Lieberman and Esteban Kolsky. Ray had...

How Would You Rate This Customer Experience From Nautilus? [TRUE STORY]

I wish I could say that I recently purchased a piece of workout equipment from Nautilus, Inc - suppliers of Bowflex, Schwinn and Nautilus...

Why Millennials Should Embrace History – 1987, a year in review

The danger of focusing on hype (like your Klout score, for instance) is something we repeatedly, generation to generation, and collectively forget. Today, we...

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